An introduction to my blog.

Hello all. Over the past few months thoughts have been circling my head of starting a blog. However I decided not to as the time just never felt right,. I was scared to say the least of attracting hate or my ideas not being creative / interesting enough for anybody to want to read. But, I decided to take the plunge and just go for it, and today i will be talking a little bit about my ideas, thoughts and what my blog will consist of. Just a little insight on me really. so...after so long of waiting, here we go.

My name is Ollie and I am teen girl who is passionate about style, individuality and all different types of beauty. On my blog I would like to explore different fashions and aesthetics, both popular and not so popular. I would also like to show my own individuality and style. Beauty and makeup is a big part of my life and one of my main hobbies, so that would definitely show up here. Overall, i will just be posting whatever i feel like posting at the time, so make sure to stay tuned in case something pops up which would be a real interest to you. If there's anything you'd like me to post or discuss,make sure to leave me a comment and i'll be right on it.I don't want to put too much of a label on it yet, so starting today, my blog will be led by my own thoughts,feelings and things that inspire me most. I hope you enjoy :) 

- Ollie



  1. Good luck to you Ollie! I've just started a new blog myself - its so exciting isn't it?! Would you mind taking a look? -we could follow each other for support?
    Hollie xx

  2. Well done you!! As long as you're happy with your blog and what you're posting - it'll be fine! Write about what you want and share your opinions, this is what makes blogging beautiful and I can't wait to see more!!! :)

    Layla x

  3. I’ve just started my blogging aswell! We are both newbies, hopefully the blogging experience will be amazing, especially experessing our interest and individuality alongside connecting with other bloggers! Can’t wait to see more posts :)

    Bandana | |


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